Sunday, April 27, 2008


So, there's this food product I've become very addicted to. It's freeze dried fruit made by a company called Crispy Green. Five different fruits are available: apples, pears, pinapples, apricots, and peaches. I came across this while grocery shopping at Earth Fare and it looked rather interesting, so I figured I'd give it a try. Now I can't get enough of the stuff. With only one ingredient listed on the package, being whatever fruit you happen to choose, you can't go wrong. Each package contains one serving of fruit, with only 35 calories per package and about 7 grams of natural sugar. The texture of the fruit is light and crunchy. I've only tried apples, peaches, and pears so far and peaches have become my absolute favorite.

As a single person, living alone, I've always found it very hard to shop for food. I'll buy something and then it'll end up going bad because I haven't finished it. It's almost pathetic how much fruit I've ended up throwing away, just because I've let it sit around for too long. Crispy Green fruit solves that problem! The packages I have now say "Best Before: 09.10". It's also great, because now, if I'm craving something sweet, I'll eat a pack of the stuff and the craving for bad stuff like ice cream or chocolate almost always goes away.

For anyone who wants to check Crispy Green fruit out, their website is

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So here I am...

Well, this is it. My first post on a blog. Not quite sure why I've even started this, but I'm sure it will be filled with a wide variety of very random things. Maybe I'll post about stupid stuff I see or encounter. Maybe I'll post my ramblings on about certain topics. We shall see.